

12007 Uppsatser om Business studies - Sida 1 av 801

Varför går företag i konkurs? : Företagsledares förklaringar ur ett meningsskapandeperspektiv

This paper is about sensemaking. By using sensemaking we have derived bankruptcy factors from business leaders? own statements about their bankruptcies. The focus in this paper is to ensure how business leaders create meaning about the bankruptcies, which is also our research question.To make the study feasible, we used a method that corresponds well to the purpose of our work. The collection of data started with collecting a number of newspaper articles with direct quotes from business leaders.

Affärsänglar : En kvalitativ studie om affärsänglars förhållningssätt till risker vid investeringsbeslut

The interest for venture capital within the financial sector in Sweden has, according to earlier studies, been seen as a growing occurrence. Especially for what is known as informal venture capital. In modern times, private investors who engage themselves in small, unlisted companies, providing informal venture capital are to be known as business angels. They close equity gaps on the financial market by contribute financial capital to start-ups and are therefore an important participant on today?s market.

Gymnasieskolans samverkan med det omgivande samhället : En studie i hur dagens näringsliv och gymnasieskolans näringslivskontakter återspeglas i företagsekonomiundervisningen vid två gymnasieskolor

Non-compulsory schools in Sweden should make use of the knowledge and experience that is available in society according to the aims and objectives of the Curriculum for the Non-Compulsory School System - Lpf 94. There are however only a few studies which have focused on the contacts between non-compulsory schools and society as represented by the business world in Sweden.The purpose of this study is to examine in what ways and to what extent non-compulsory schools are following the Curriculum by using the knowledge and experience of the business world. The perspectives have been: Which contacts in the business world and which working practices from the business world are implemented in teaching in non-compulsory schools? In what way do these contacts and working practices affect the teaching and learning of business administration? The purpose of this study is also to examine if the teachers in non-compulsory schools use business information and different kinds of business knowledge and experiences in order to keep themselves up-to-date regarding the business world. The perspectives have been: Are the teachers using up-to-date business information or business experience? Are the teachers applying a multicultural perspective in teaching Business studies? In what way does this kind of information or first-hand experience affect the teaching and learning of business administration?The method used in this study was to interview seven teachers from two non-compulsory schools in Stockholm.

Business Intelligence : en diskussion om begreppet och fenomenet

Our aim with this thesis was to closer study business intelligence to be able to present an overview of both the concept and the phenomenon. We have also developed a framework that show how business intelligence can be used effectively. We think that our framework can be of help to under-stand the areas which constitutes the core of business intelligence. We think that the framework we have developed is a good basis for the im-plementation of business intelligence in an organisation and that it also can be of help in the daily business intelligence work..

Kapitalstruktur och Affärsrisk

During the past year it has been made possible to buy back a company?s outstanding stock. This is done in order to change the capital structure towards a situation with less equity. A change in capital structure means a change in the cost of capital for a company and by that a change in the value for the stockholder. This Master Thesis studies the relation between capital structure and business risk.

Framgång i det kreativa företaget

From a management point of view, enabling organizational creativity is often referred to as reducing immediate control, increasing autonomy and enhancing the access to slack resources. At the same time, the business environment of today is fiercer than it was only a decade ago, and this renders a quest for more efficient approaches to competitively run a business. This paper aims to examine creative industries and more specifically try to identify a set of elements that are common for successful companies. As this industry has not been subject to any considerable array of studies, this thesis seeks to establish a structure for how to take both organizational models and leadership theories into account when developing an understanding for the process, organization and leadership of the creative business. By studying six separate creative companies, our findings suggest that conventional theories on organizational creativity do not adequately account for all factors that contribute to these companies' creative success.

Kunskap & strategi : En studie av strategisk kongruens mellan affärs- och kunskapsstrategi i managementkonsultföretag

This study examines how management consulting firms work with business- and functional strategy and how these strategies are interrelated. More specifically we focus on business strategy (business unit level) and knowledge strategy (functional level) and whether these are aligned or not, i.e. whether strategic congruence exists.A number of recent studies have examined the importance of business strategy and knowledge strategy in management consulting firms separately, but few have pointed out the importance of the alignment between them. With this study we contribute to the strategic field of research with a model that describes how management consulting firms should work with their knowledge strategy given their business strategy. The model is developed through a synthesis between theories in the field of strategic congruence, business- and functional strategies and thereafter tested by an empirical case study of six management consulting firms.

Inomföretagshandel : en deskriptiv studie av de gängse ekonomiska modellernas förmåga att förklara inomföretagshandel

This essay in economic geography describes what intra-firm trade as a concept is and different ways to determine in which cases trade is to be labeled as intra-firm trade (IFT) or not. The method used by the author is most easily described as descriptive. This method was chosen in order to test if existing theories; classic and neoclassic economics, new trade theory and international Business studies, are capable to explain the phenomena of IFT. The theories are tested trough primary and secondary literature but also trough reasoning by the author.The conclusion is that the most reasonable way to determine whether trade occurs intra-firm or not, is to decide upon a 5-% rule where it when one part owns 5-% of the voting strength in the other company is to be considered intra-firm trade. This is a conclusion based on several reasons; the strongest one being that a common view on IFT could boost comparative studies as the U.S already collects data based on the 5-% rule.Classic and neoclassic economics are incapable of explaining IFT as aprerequisite for these theories is that markets are perfect.

XML som informationsbärare för EDI

Information handling has been a key issue for different companies for a long time. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to transfer different business documents from one company to another. This is done in such way that the information itself is separated from how this information is stored and handled in the companies internal systems. As different companies have different systems there is a need for a standardised format for this exchange. There is a big difference between EDI-systems based on what kind of EDI-standard is used.

Hovjuvelerare W. A. Bolins AB företagsarkiv

This examination paper is an account for the author?s work to arrange and registrate the business archive and business records of court jeweller W. A. Bolin AB from 1916 until present day, and a part of the one-year Masters Programme in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala. Problems that have been encountered are treated, as well as motivations of the decisions made during the process.

Reklam och nation : Nationsformering i Sverige under andra världskriget

This thesis studies the Swedish advertising business as an actor in the national formation of Sweden. It argues that earlier research has ignored to see advertising businesses as possible forces of these formations. The essay investigates how this appears historically through collaboration with an informational organisation that had risen due to the Second World War and that was a part of the national defence. I can, by investigating a discussion that focused on this informational organisation and the advertising businesses relation to it, show how the business as an effect of a civic engagement expressed an interest to participate in the informational work. The thesis will also, through the pamphlet Om kriget kommer.

XML som informationsbärare för EDI

Information handling has been a key issue for different companies for a long time. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to transfer different business documents from one company to another. This is done in such way that the information itself is separated from how this information is stored and handled in the companies internal systems. As different companies have different systems there is a need for a standardised format for this exchange. There is a big difference between EDI-systems based on what kind of EDI-standard is used. The most common standard in Europe is EDIFACT, but with increased interest of using the Internet for business communication there is a need for a standard that is adjusted for use over the Internet.

E-handel i småföretag

E-commerce is a conception who many are taking about nowadays. E-commerce is associate with computer based business and it?s a new way to do business on. Users and system connect up to each other for effective mediate and transfer information. Within e-commerce there?s a lot of ways to do business on and it can for example be between a business and a another business (B2B) or between business and consumer (B2C).In this degree report have I reached if small business will invest on e-commerce and if they will, how.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag

Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change.

Förtroende i långsiktiga affärsrelationer : The Establishment of the Business Network Automation Region - A Study of a Industrial Phenomena. Peter Ekman & Peter Thilenius (Eds., 2010)

Syfte: Denna studies syfte är att beskriva förtroendets roll i långsiktiga affärsrelationer mellan företag inom automationsindustribranschen. Betydelsen av ett starkare/svagare förtroende beskrivs och detta görs utifrån automationsföretagens perspektiv.Metod: Teorin grundar sig främst på Morgan och Hunts (1994) trust & commitment theory, där förtroende och relationsåtagande beskrivs som förutsättningar för långsiktiga b2b relationer. För att kunna testa hypoteserna, samt besvara syftet genomfördes en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkätundersökning med 251 deltagande företagskontakter.Resultat: Förtroende och relationsåtagande är förutsättningar för långsiktiga B2B relationer, vilket är en fördel för automationsföretag. En viss nivå av osäkerhet behövs för att förtroende ska kunna existera i långsiktiga affärsrelationer mellan automationsföretag.Nyckelord: Förtroende, Relationsåtagande, Osäkerhet, Långsiktiga affärsrelationer, Business-to-business..

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